Component 6: Health Management Information Systems
Component Description:
A “theory” component, specific to health care and public health applications. Introduction to health IT standards, health-related data structures, software applications; enterprise architecture in health care and public health organizations.
Component 6; Unit 1; What is Health Informatics?
A definition of information management, information technology, and informatics, describe the fundamental theorem of informatics, explains the meaning of biomedical and health informatics as a field of study, and offers definitions of the major biomedical informatics areas of applications. Also, an overview of informatics drivers and trends in the health care field. A definition of the informatics team, their skills, roles and responsibilities, and identifies how health informaticians process data into information and knowledge for health care tasks with the support of information technology to improve patient care.
Component 6; Unit 1; Lecture 1a comp6_unit1a_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 1; Lecture 1b comp6_unit1b_lecture_slides
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Component 6; Unit 2: Health Information Systems Overview
Defines the concept of an information system and its characteristics, describes the different types of information systems, and describe various types of technologies that support health care information systems. Examines the challenges presented by emerging trends in information technology (e.g., mobility, web services, the Internet, Intranet, and wireless computing), social media, and global communications and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet as a platform for health care applications.
Component 6; Unit 2; Lecture 2a comp6_unit2a_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 2; Lecture 2b comp6_unit2b_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 3: Electronic Health Records
Defines an electronic medical record (EMR) and electronic health record (EHR) and explains their similarities and differences, identifies attributes and functions of an EHR, discusses the issues surrounding EHR adoption and implementation, and describes the impact of EHRs on patient care. Description of Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) and the connection of meaningful use to EHR certification requirements. The evolution of EHRS to provide PHRs & basic exchange capabilities. Patient matching, record locators, lab interoperability, e-prescribing and alerting. Linking EHRs through Health Information Exchange (HIE) initiatives, discusses how HIE impacts health care delivery and the practice of health care providers, summarizes the governmental efforts related to EHR systems including meaningful use of interoperable health information technology and a qualified EHR, describes the Institute of Medicine’s vision of a health care system and its possible impact on health management information systems, and lists examples of the effects of developments in bioinformatics on health information systems.
Component 6; Unit 3; Lecture 3a comp6_unit3a_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 3; Lecture 3b comp6_unit3b_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 4: Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE)
Defines CPOE, states the purpose of CPOE, lists attributes and functions of CPOE, and explains how CPOE is currently being used in health care. Describe patient generated data and the push toward consumer-mediated data exchange using PHRs. Describes the major value to adopting CPOE applications, identifies the common barriers to adoption, and summarizes the potential impact CPOE has on patient care safety, quality and efficiency, and patient outcomes.
Component 6; Unit 4; Lecture 4a comp6_unit4a_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 4; Lecture 4b comp6_unit4b_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 5: Clinical Decision Support Systems
Defines clinical decision support, provides some historical context surrounding clinical decision support, describes the requirements of a clinical decision support system, and discusses the relationship of clinical practice guidelines and evidence-based practice to clinical decision support systems. Identify the challenges and barriers in building and using clinical decision support systems, explain how legal and regulatory technologies may affect their use, and introduce the future directions for clinical decision support systems.
Component 6; Unit 5; Lecture 5a comp6_unit5a_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 5; Lecture 5b comp6_unit5b_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 6: Patient Monitoring Systems
Definition of patient monitoring systems, describes the purpose, attributes, and functions of patient monitoring systems, discusses the primary applications and how automation can improve quality of care, and analyzes how the integration of data from many sources assists in medical decision making. Discusses how telehealth communication technologies support clinical care, explains the effectiveness and economic benefit of telehealth, and examines the role smart technology in the home and remote links to health information systems play in enhancing the quality of patient care.
Component 6; Unit 6; Lecture 6a comp6_unit6a_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 6; Lecture 6b comp6_unit6b_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 7: Medical Imaging Systems
Definition of medical imaging, describes the purpose, processes, and management issues of medical imaging systems, analyzes the economic and technological factors that must be considered in the adoption of digital displays in radiology departments, looks at the major challenges with imaging systems faced by health care institutions and informaticians, and examines the future directions for imaging systems.
Component 6; Unit 7; Lecture 7 comp6_unit7_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 8: Consumer Health Informatics
Definitions of health communication, e-Health, consumer health informatics, and interactive health communication, identifies how the Internet has impacted consumer health informatics, explains how current and emerging technologies may affect consumer health informatics, and introduces the role of genomics in consumer health informatics. Definitions of personal health records or PHRs, describes the role of PHRs and their implications within health care, and discusses the challenges of consumerism in health information systems.
Component 6; Unit 8; Lecture 8a comp6_unit8a_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 8; Lecture 8b comp6_unit8b_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 9: Administrative, Billing and Financial Systems
Examines the relationship of administrative, billing, and financial systems to the health care information system, explains applications that need to be integrated in health care information systems, explores health care organizations’ integration strategies, identifies the critical elements for integration of these systems with clinical information systems, and discusses how health care organizations may gain valuable insights from integrated data through data analytics and trending. Defines a master patient index or MPI and describes its core elements and discusses current trends to establish a unique patient identifier.
Component 6; Unit 9; Lecture 9a comp6_unit9a_lecture_slides
Component 6; Unit 9; Lecture 9b comp6_unit9b_lecture_slides