Here’s the second components of ONC materials. Refer to my notes in Component 1 for my motivation for sharing these wonderful materials.
Component 2: The Culture of Health Care
Component Description:
For individuals not familiar with health care, this component addresses job expectations in health care settings. It discusses how care is organized within a practice setting, privacy laws, and professional and ethical issues encountered in the workplace.
Component 2; Unit 1: An Overview of the Culture of Health Care
This introductory unit discusses some of the underlying concepts of health, culture, and how health informatics applications can be used to study culture.
Component 2; Unit 1; Lecture 1a. comp2_unit1a_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 1; Lecture 1b comp2_unit1b_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 2: Health Professionals – The People in Health Care
This unit discusses the health professionals who deliver health care and the training needed to work in these professions. The following professionals are described in this unit: physicians, nurses, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, pharmacists, therapists, allied health professionals, paramedics, EMTs, dental professionals, mental health professionals, and social workers
Component 2; Unit 2; Lecture 2a comp2_unit2a_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 2; Lecture 2b comp2_unit2b_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 2; Lecture 2c comp2_unit2c_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 3: Health Care Settings – The Places Where Care is Delivered
This unit describes health care delivery sites including outpatient care, hospitals, tertiary care centers, academic medical centers, the VA health care system, the military health system, the Indian health service, and non-traditional delivery sites such as school-based, community-based, and employer-based sites. It also specifically examines the structure, function and interrelationship between health care settings.
Component 2; Unit 3; Lecture 3a comp2_unit3a_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 3; Lecture 3b comp2_unit3b_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 4: Health Care Processes and Decision Making
This unit describes the process used by a clinician to make a diagnosis and determine a care plan. This includes gathering information from the patient as well as other objective and subjective sources, managing and organizing the information, comparing the information to known states of disease, and developing a care plan for the patient.
Component 2; Unit 4; Lecture 4a comp2_unit4a_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 4; Lecture 4b comp2_unit4b_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 4; Lecture 4c comp2_unit4c_lecture slides
Component 2; Unit 4; Lecture 4d comp2_unit4d_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 4; Lecture 4e comp2_unit4e_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 5: Evidence-Based Practice
This unit describes the application of evidence-based medicine (EBM). The discussion begins with the framing of clinical questions that can be answered by appropriate evidence. The discussion then demonstrates how to find and apply the best evidence for answering four major types of clinical questions: interventions, diagnosis, harm, and prognosis. The unit also introduces summarizing of evidence (systematic reviews) as well as clinical practice guidelines. The unit concludes with a discussion of the limitations of EBM.
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5a comp2_unit5a_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5b comp2_unit5b_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5c comp2_unit5c_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5d comp2_unit5d_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5e comp2_unit5e_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5f comp2_unit5f_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5g comp2_unit5g_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 6: Nursing Care Processes
This unit describes the processes used by a nurse in making clinical decisions and assessing patients. It also describes how nurses are trained, where they work and the procedures that they perform.
Component 2; Unit 6; Lecture 6a comp2_unit6a_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 6; Lecture 6b comp2_unit6b_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 6; Lecture 6c comp2_unit6c_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 7: Quality Measurement and Improvement
This unit describes the concepts of quality measurement and performance improvement. The unit begins by setting the context of known quality problems in health care and then describes how quality is measured and efforts to improve it. The unit also discusses the role of information technology, incentives for quality improvement, and quality measurement under meaningful use.
Component 2; Unit 7; Lecture 7a comp2_unit7a_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 7; Lecture 7b comp2_unit7b_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 7; Lecture 7c comp2_unit7c_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 8: Ethics and Professionalism
This unit describes the traditions and values that guide physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals. It explores medical ethics, professionalism and legal duties and applies ethics and professionalism to specific topics, including health informatics.
Component 2; Unit 8; Lecture 8a comp2_unit8a_lecture_slides
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Component 2; Unit 8; Lecture 8b comp2_unit8b_lecture_slides
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Component 2; Unit 8; Lecture 8c comp2_unit8c_lecture_slides
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Component 2; Unit 8; Lecture 8d comp2_unit8d_lecture_slides
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Component 2; Unit 9: Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security
This unit defines privacy, confidentiality, and security of health information, including the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules.
Component 2; Unit 9; Lecture 9a comp2_unit9a_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 9; Lecture 9b comp2_unit9b_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 9; Lecture 9c comp2_unit9c_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 9; Lecture 9d comp2_unit9d_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 10: Sociotechnical Aspects: Clinicians and Technology
This unit looks at the challenges of adapting work processes to new technology, and the resulting impact on quality, efficiency, and safety. This unit also examines the phenomena of social and technical resistance to change, especially among clinicians.
Component 2; Unit 10; Lecture 10a comp2_unit10a_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 10; Lecture 10b comp2_unit10b_lecture_slides
Component 2; Unit 10; Lecture 10c comp2_unit10c_lecture_slides