Component 2; Unit 5: Evidence-Based Practice
This unit describes the application of evidence-based medicine (EBM). The discussion begins with the framing of clinical questions that can be answered by appropriate evidence. The discussion then demonstrates how to find and apply the best evidence for answering four major types of clinical questions: interventions, diagnosis, harm, and prognosis. The unit also introduces summarizing of evidence (systematic reviews) as well as clinical practice guidelines. The unit concludes with a discussion of the limitations of EBM.
- Define the key tenets of evidence-based medicine (EBM) and its role in the culture of health care.
- Construct answerable clinical questions and critically appraise evidence answering them.
- Explain how EBM can be applied to intervention studies, including the phrasing of answerable questions, finding evidence to answer them, and applying them to given clinical situations.
- Describe how EBM can be applied to key clinical questions of diagnosis, harm, and prognosis.
- Discuss the benefits and limitations to summarizing evidence.
- Describe how EBM is used in clinical settings through clinical practice guidelines and decision analysis.
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5a comp2_unit5a_lecture_slides
Lecture a (09:46): 1) Definition and application of EBM
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5b comp2_unit5b_lecture_slides
Lecture b (18:16): 1) Definition and application of EBM; 2) Phrasing the clinical question
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5c comp2_unit5c_lecture_slides
Lecture c (11:47): 1) Phrasing the clinical question; 2) Interventions
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5d comp2_unit5d_lecture_slides
Lecture d (12:37): 1) Phrasing the clinical question; 2) Harm and prognosis
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5e comp2_unit5e_lecture_slides
Lecture e (13:19): 1) Phrasing the clinical question; 2) Harm and prognosis
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5f comp2_unit5f_lecture_slides
Lecture f (15:13): 1) Summarizing evidence; 2) Putting evidence into practice
Component 2; Unit 5; Lecture 5g comp2_unit5g_lecture_slides
Lecture g (16:08): 1) Putting evidence into practice