Component 2; Unit 9: Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security
This unit defines privacy, confidentiality, and security of health information, including the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules.
- Define and discern the differences between privacy, confidentiality, and security.
- Discuss methods for using information technology to protect privacy and confidentiality.
- Describe and apply privacy, confidentiality, and security under the tenets of HIPAA Privacy and Security rules.
- Discuss the intersection of a patient’s right to privacy with the need to share and exchange patient information.
Component 2; Unit 9; Lecture 9a comp2_unit9a_lecture_slides
Lecture a (31:34): 1) Definitions of privacy, confidentiality, and security
Component 2; Unit 9; Lecture 9b comp2_unit9b_lecture_slides
Lecture b (27:36): 1) Tools for protecting privacy and confidentiality
Component 2; Unit 9; Lecture 9c comp2_unit9c_lecture_slides
Lecture c (22:10): 1) HIPAA Privacy Rule
Component 2; Unit 9; Lecture 9d comp2_unit9d_lecture_slides
Lecture d (12:57): 1) HIPAA Security Rule