Component 9; Unit 7: Supporting Standards for EHR Applications

Component 9; Unit 7: Supporting Standards for EHR Applications


This unit presents a set of standards that support the application layer of the OSI and extend EHR Functionality.


  1. Understand the clinical decision support standard Arden Syntax
  2. Understand standards for clinical guidelines
  3. Understand object-oriented expression language for clinical decision support – GELLO
  4. Understand the clinical decision support standard Info button
  5. Understand disease management
  6. Understand other clinical decision support applications
  7. Understand other standards that help to support networking and reporting requirements as well as functionality to optimize the connectivity among heterogeneous systems deployed within a single enterprise
  8. Understand single sign-on standards and the HL7 Clinical Context Object Workgroup (CCOW) standard
  9. Understand regulatory standards
  10. Understand issues relating to person identifiers, master patient indices, and record locator services

Component 9; Unit 7; Lecture 7a comp9_unit7a_lecture_slides

Arden Syntax

Component 9; Unit 7; Lecture 7b comp9_unit7b_lecture_slides


Component 9; Unit 7; Lecture 7c comp9_unit7c_lecture_slides

Infobutton and Disease Management

Component 9; Unit 7; Lecture 7d comp9_unit7d_lecture_slides

Workflow Standards

Suggested Readings

Using Features of Arden Syntax with Object-Oriented Medical Data Models for Guideline Modelin. This article contains information about many of the clinical decision support standards.

Arden Syntax. A table showing information about Arden syntax.

GELLO: An Object-Oriented Query and Expression Language for Clinical Decision Support. This is a paper that discusses the format of GELLO and its use.

HL7 Infobutton Product Information. This link provides HL7’s product brief about Infobuttons.” MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Infobuttons at Intermountain Healthcare: Utilization and Infrastructure. This article “describes the infobuttons infrastructure at Intermountain Healthcare and assesses their use after 4 years of their initial release.”” MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Getting Patients to Meaningful Use: Using the HL7 Infobutton Standard for Information Prescriptions. This article explains the usefulness of Infobuttons and a particular company’s implementation.” MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

HL7 CCOW standard. This page is HL7’s CCOW standard page providing information about CCOW.” MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

CCOW Information for the Healthcare Industry. This site provides information about CCOW including what it is, how it works and its benefits.” MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Effect of clinical guidelines on medical practice: a systematic review of rigorous evaluations. This article discusses the effects of clinical guidelines of medical practices.  Registration is required to read the article but is free.

National Guideline Clearinghouse. NGC is a public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. “” MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

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