Component 4; Unit 7: Security and Privacy
This unit covers common security concerns and safeguards, including firewalls, encryption, virus patterns, and protection software, as well as programming for security. Additional topics include security of wireless networks, and concerns, mitigations, and regulations related to health care applications.
- Define cybercrime and cybersecurity.
- List common information technology, or IT, security and privacy concerns.
- List the hardware components that are usually attacked by hackers.
- Explain some of the common methods of attack.
- Describe common types of malware.
- Explain social engineering methods used by cybercriminals.
- Describe methods and tools available for protection against cyberattacks.
- Describe practices designed to minimize the risk of successful cyberattack.
- Address specifics of wireless device security.
- Explain security and privacy concerns associated with Electronic Health Records (EHRs).
- Describe security safeguards used for health care applications.
- Provide the basics of ethical behavior online.
Component 4; Unit 7; Lecture 7a Comp4_unit7a_Lecture_Slides
Cybercrime and IT Security (5:31)
Component 4; Unit 7; Lecture 7b Comp4_unit7b_Lecture_Slides
Hackers Methods (15:59)
Component 4; Unit 7; Lecture 7c comp4_unit7c_lecture_slides
Protecting Against Cybercrime (12:20)
Component 4; Unit 7; Lecture 7d Comp4_unit7d_lecture_slides
Minimizing Risk of a Successful cyberattack (10:41)
Component 4; Unit 7; Lecture 7e Comp4_unit7e_lecture_slides
Cybercrime and Electronic Health Records, including Ethical Online Behavior Concepts (15:35)
Suggested Readings
Elmblad, S. (n.d.). Compare Antivirus Software Reviews. Consumer Affairs. Retrieved August 31, 2016, from
Hadnagy, C. (n.d.) The Official Social Engineering Portal – Security Through Education. Retrieved from
Introduction to Network Security [Online tutorial]. (n.d.). (pp. 1-10). Retrieved from