Component 2; Unit 9: Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security

Component 2; Unit 9: Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security


This unit defines privacy, confidentiality, and security of health information, including the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules.


  1. Define and discern the differences between privacy, confidentiality, and security.
  2. Discuss methods for using information technology to protect privacy and confidentiality.
  3. Describe and apply privacy, confidentiality, and security under the tenets of HIPAA Privacy and Security rules.
  4. Discuss the intersection of a patient’s right to privacy with the need to share and exchange patient information.

Component 2; Unit 9; Lecture 9a comp2_unit9a_lecture_slides

Lecture a (31:34): 1) Definitions of privacy, confidentiality, and security

Component 2; Unit 9; Lecture 9b comp2_unit9b_lecture_slides

Lecture b (27:36): 1) Tools for protecting privacy and confidentiality

Component 2; Unit 9; Lecture 9c comp2_unit9c_lecture_slides

Lecture c (22:10): 1) HIPAA Privacy Rule

Component 2; Unit 9; Lecture 9d comp2_unit9d_lecture_slides

Lecture d (12:57): 1) HIPAA Security Rule

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