Component 1; Unit 10: Meaningful Use

Component 1; Unit 10: Meaningful Use


This unit describes the meaningful use program of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). It discusses eligibility for meaningful use incentive payments and the criteria for achieving those payments. It also describes the clinical quality measures and standards that are required for the program.


  1. Define meaningful use (MU) of health information technology in the context of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) act.
  2. Describe the major goals of meaningful use.
  3. Discuss the criteria for Stages 1-3 of meaningful use for eligible professionals, eligible hospitals, and critical access hospitals.
  4. Describe the standards specified for MU.
  5. Discuss the likely evolution of the MU program.

Component 1; Unit 10; Lecture 10a comp1_unit10a_lecture_slides

What is Meaningful Use? (15:15)

Component 1; Unit 10; Lecture 10b comp1_unit10b_lecture_slides

Meaningful Use Operationalized (13:38)

Component 1; Unit 10; Lecture 10c comp1_unit10c_lecture_slides

Standards of Meaningful Use and the Future of Meaningful Use (11:54)

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