Component 4; Unit 2 Computer Hardware

Component 4; Unit 2 Computer Hardware


This unit provides a foundation on computer functioning, data representation, input and output devices, and the CPU and its role in system functionality.


  1. Describe the major components of a computer system.
  2. Provide examples of input and output devices used in health care.
  3. Discuss primary and secondary storage devices.
  4. Introduce binary notation and describe data representation, storage, and manipulation in binary format.
  5. Introduce data types and explain how different data types are stored and addressed.
  6. Describe the functionality of the central processing unit (CPU).
  7. Provide examples of CPUs designed for health care applications.

Component 4; Unit 2; Lecture 2a Comp4_unit2a_Lecture_Slides

Components and Peripherals (12:50)

Component 4; Unit 2; Lecture 2b Comp4_unit2b_Lecture_Slides

Ports, Memory, and Secondary Storage (13:51)

Component 4; Unit 2; Lecture 2c Comp4_unit2c_Lecture_Slides

Data Types, Data Addresses, and the CPU (10:39)

Suggested Readings

Central processing unit. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved August 31, 2016, from

Corey. (2016, March 4). How to Build a Gaming PC 2016 – Step by Step Guide to Choosing Your Hardware [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Hock-Chuan, C. (n.d.). A Tutorial on Data Representation: Integers, Floating-point Numbers, and Characters [Teaching notes]. Retrieved August 31, 2016, from:

Lin, C. (2003, March 12). ASCII vs. Binary Files [Online lecture notes]. Retrieved from:

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