Component 9; Unit 5: Health Data Interchange Standards

Component 9; Unit 5: Health Data Interchange Standards


This unit introduces some recognized standards for data interchange between disparate systems. In particular, HL7 versions 2 and 3 are discussed.


  1. Understand the need to have data standards
  2. Understand the standards that are in place today, or are being adopted.
  3. Learn about HL7 standards and implementation
  4. Understand HL7 messaging standards and the basic HL7 v2.n transaction types
  5. Understand HL7 v3.0 messaging standards 
  6. Learn about the HL7 v3 Reference Information Model (RIM)
  7. Understand what is different about HL7 v3 compared to v2.n
  8. Understand the HL7 v3 domains

Component 9; Unit 5; Lecture 5a comp9_unit5a_lecture_slides

Health Data Interchange Standards: HL7 v2.n

Component 9; Unit 5; Lecture 5b comp9_unit5b_lecture_slides

Health Data Interchange Standards: HL7 v3

Suggested Readings

Heath Level Seven International. Read more about HL7 including standards and how to implement.

Ascend HL7 Interface Specification. Describes HL7 message standards for Hann’s On Software (HOS).

HL7 ADT Message Overview. This article provides a simple overview of HL& ADT messages.

DICOM. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine homepage.

IHE. Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise homepage.

Standardization of Terminology. This article talks about the importance of creating a standard for terminology so that different healthcare organizations can share information.

Information Week – Healthcare. Articles about information systems and security in the healthcare field.” MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

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