Component 5; Unit 8:History of CPOE and E-Prescribing

Component 5; Unit 8:History of CPOE and E-Prescribing


This unit describes the history of CPOE and e-prescribing.


  1. Explain how the evolving capabilities of CPOE systems impact quality and patient safety in the hospital setting.
  2. Explain how the evolving capabilities of e-prescribing systems impact quality and patient safety in the ambulatory setting.

Component 5; Unit 8; Lecture 8a comp5_unit8a_lecture_slides

Computer Provider Order Entry (22:38): 1) The unreliability of physician handwriting; 2) Automation of the ordering process  ; 3) Early CPOE systems

Component 5; Unit 8; Lecture 8b comp5_unit8b_lecture_slides

E-Prescribing (10:48): 1) Early e-prescribing systems; 2) Adoption of CPOE and e-prescribing

Suggested Readings

Ammenwerth E, Schnell-Inderst P, Machan C, Siebert U. The effect of electronic prescribing on medication errors and adverse drug events: a systematic review.  J Am Med Inform Assoc 2008 Sep-Oct;15(5):585-600. Available from:

Doolan DF, Bates DW. Computerized physician order entry systems in hospitals: mandates and incentives. Health Aff (Millwood) 2002 Jul-Aug;21(4):180-8. Available from:

Papshev D, Peterson AM.  Electronic prescribing in ambulatory practice: promises, pitfalls, and potential solutions.  Am J Manag Care 2001 Jul;7(7):725-36. Available from:

Sittig DF, Stead WW.  Computer-based physician order entry: the state of the art.  J Am Med Inform Assoc 1994 Mar–Apr;1(2):108–123.  Available from:

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