Component 2; Unit 10: Sociotechnical Aspects: Clinicians and Technology
This unit looks at the challenges of adapting work processes to new technology, and the resulting impact on quality, efficiency, and safety. This unit also examines the phenomena of social and technical resistance to change, especially among clinicians.
- Describe the concepts of medical error and patient safety.
- Discuss error as an individual problem and as a system problem.
- Compare and contrast the interaction and interdependence of social and technical “resistance to change.”
- Discuss the challenges inherent with adapting work processes to new technology.
- Discuss the downside of adapting technology to work practices and why this is not desirable.
- Discuss the impact of changing sociotechnical processes on quality, efficiency, and safety.
Component 2; Unit 10; Lecture 10a comp2_unit10a_lecture_slides
Lecture a (18:58): 1) Medical errors; 2) Patient safety
Component 2; Unit 10; Lecture 10b comp2_unit10b_lecture_slides
Lecture b (09:48): 1) Patient safety
Component 2; Unit 10; Lecture 10c comp2_unit10c_lecture_slides
Lecture c (17:57): 1) Sociotechnical aspects of health care