Component 9; Unit 1: ISO Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
This unit will address the OSI, including the purpose and content of each of its seven layers: physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, and application. Products, processes, protocols and tools at each level will be explained. This unit will also focus on the flow of data through the models as data is transmitted and receive by end devices.
- Explain the OSI representation of the various layers involved in networking, including the general functions of each layer and their interconnections
- Explain the concept of the Application layer
- Explain the concept of the Presentation layer
- Explain the concept of the Session Layer
- Explain the concept of the Transport layer
- Explain the concept of the Network layer
- Explain the concept of the Data Link layer
- Explain the concept of the Physical layer
- Explain connection-oriented versus connectionless communication
- Explain the use of network addressing including security considerations and vulnerabilities
Component 9; Unit 1; Lecture 1a comp9_unit1a_lecture_slides
ISO Layers Terminology of a network: 1) TCP/IP model; 2) OSI model;3) Protocol data units; 4) Application layer; 5) Presentation layer; 6) Session layer; 7) Transport layer; 8) Sequence numbers; 9) Acknowledgements; 10) Window sizing; 11) TCP/UDP Ports
Component 9; Unit 1; Lecture 1b comp9_unit1b_lecture_slides
Networking Protocols: 1) Network layer; 2) IP addresses; 3) Forms of transmission; 4) Subnetting; 5) Routers; 6) Internet Control Message Protocol; 7) PING; 8) TRACERT; 9) Data Link layer; 10) MAC addresses; 11) Media access control; 12) Ethernet; 13) Wireless; 14) Physical layer
Suggested Readings
Internetworking Basics. This article includes terminology used in networking, networking basics and an in-depth look at each layer of the OSI model. h
Port Numbers. This is the official IANA document that lists all port numbers and their associated protocols/applications.
Frame Relay. More information about frame relay.
PPP. More information about PPP.
ATM. More information about ATM.
NRZ Encoding. More information about NRZ. Encoding, More information about Manchester.