Component 8; Unit 1: Elements of a Typical EHR System

Component 8; Unit 1: Elements of a Typical EHR System


This unit will give a brief overview of a typical Electronic Health Record (or EHR) system, including discussion of the Institute of Medicine’s six aims for improving healthcare, what an EHR is, and how it has evolved. Additionally, it will outline the types of network elements an EHR system needs to function, as well as its typical hardware and software components.


  1. Identify the core elements that comprise an EHR system
  2. Describe the use of client and server hardware for access to and storage of EHRs
  3. Describe network needs for access to and storage of EHRs
  4. Identify the application software and back-end data storage software needed for a comprehensive, effective health IT system

Component 8; Unit 1; Lecture 1a comp8_unit1a_lecture_slides

Fundamentals of Selection, Installation and Maintenance (19:12): 1) Six aims for improving healthcare; 2) Outline advantages of HER system functions and capabilities

Component 8; Unit 1; Lecture 1b comp8_unit1b_lecture_slides

Network and Storage Needs (22:15): 1) Elements of EHR Systems a. Hardware, b. Software, c. Client-Server model, d. Network – LAN and WAN

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