Component 7; Unit 7: Protecting Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality in HIT Systems
Unit 7 is designed to present an overview of the concepts of privacy, security, and confidentiality of protected health information (PHI) in relation to HIT systems. Threats to PHI frequently encountered in HIT environments such as password sharing, offsite access to EHRS, challenges of staff turn-over and student access, unauthorized access, etc. will be detailed. Students will be exposed to simulated breeches of privacy, security and confidentiality of PHI in lab exercises, asked to identify, and propose strategies to thwart
- Explain and illustrate privacy, security, and confidentiality in HIT settings.
- Identify common threats encountered when using HIT.
- Formulate strategies to minimize threats to privacy, security, and confidentiality in HIT systems.
Component 7; Unit 7; Lecture 7a comp7_unit7a_lecture_slides
Health Information Risks and Opportunities (21:14): 1)Administrative Safeguards
Component 7; Unit 7; Lecture 7b comp7_unit7b_lecture_slides
Risk Analysis, Management, and Safeguards (18:56): 1) Physical Safeguards; 2) Technical Safeguards