Component 7; Unit 5: Fundamentals of Usability in HIT Systems – What Does it Matter?

Component 7; Unit 5: Fundamentals of Usability in HIT Systems – What Does it Matter?


Unit 5 will present the basic concepts of usability in general and HIT usability specifically.  Students will be exposed to usability bottlenecks and learn to identify usability roadblocks in the EHRS lab system, hypothesizing potential downstream effects of poor usability, and suggesting solutions/alternate designs.  This unit will detail the relationships between usability, user satisfaction, and workarounds.


  1. Define usability in relation to HIT systems.
  2. Explain the impact of HIT usability on user satisfaction, adoption, and workarounds in error rates or unintended consequences.
  3. Provide alternatives to HIT usability bottlenecks.

Component 7; Unit 5; Lecture 5a comp7_unit5a_lecture_slides

Usability Principles in Health IT Systems (16:53): 1) Define usability in relation to HIT systems; 2) Explain the impact of HIT usability on user satisfaction, adoption, and workarounds in error rates or unintended consequences

Component 7; Unit 5; Lecture 5b comp7_unit5b_lecture_slides

Applying Usability Principles in Health IT Systems (11:51): 1) Provide alternatives to HIT usability bottlenecks

Component 7; Unit 5; extra video part 1

Component 7; Unit 5; extra video part 2

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