Component 4; Unit 5: Databases and SQL
This unit discusses the purposes of databases, relational databases, and the querying language SQL. Students will design a simple database using data modeling and normalization. This unit defines basic data operations, provides guidance on how to create common query statements, and discusses SQL implementation.
- Define and describe the purpose of databases.
- Define a relational database.
- Describe data modeling and normalization.
- Describe the structured query language (SQL).
- Define the basic data operations for relational databases and how to implement them in SQL.
- Design a simple relational database and create corresponding SQL commands.
- Examine the structure of a health care database component.
Component 4; Unit 5; Lecture 5a Comp4_Unit5a_Lecture_Slides
How Databases Store Data (11:28)
Component 4; Unit 5; Lecture 5b Comp4_Unit5b_Lecture_Slides
Data Modeling and Normalization (09:44)
Component 4; Unit 5; Lecture 5c Comp4_Unit5c_Lecture_Slides
Structured Query Language (13:45)
Component 4; Unit 5; Lecture 5d Comp4_Unit5d_Lecture_Slides
Structure of a Health Care Database (10:23)
Suggested Readings
Databases [Tutorial directory]. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Introduction to databases [Online video tutorial]. (n.d.). Retrieved from
SQL tutorial. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2016, from