Component 4; Unit 5: Databases and SQL

Component 4; Unit 5: Databases and SQL


This unit discusses the purposes of databases, relational databases, and the querying language SQL. Students will design a simple database using data modeling and normalization. This unit defines basic data operations, provides guidance on how to create common query statements, and discusses SQL implementation.


  1. Define and describe the purpose of databases.
  2. Define a relational database.
  3. Describe data modeling and normalization.
  4. Describe the structured query language (SQL).
  5. Define the basic data operations for relational databases and how to implement them in SQL.
  6. Design a simple relational database and create corresponding SQL commands.
  7. Examine the structure of a health care database component.

Component 4; Unit 5; Lecture 5a Comp4_Unit5a_Lecture_Slides

How Databases Store Data (11:28)

Component 4; Unit 5; Lecture 5b Comp4_Unit5b_Lecture_Slides

Data Modeling and Normalization (09:44)

Component 4; Unit 5; Lecture 5c Comp4_Unit5c_Lecture_Slides

Structured Query Language (13:45)

Component 4; Unit 5; Lecture 5d Comp4_Unit5d_Lecture_Slides

Structure of a Health Care Database (10:23)

Suggested Readings

Databases [Tutorial directory]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Introduction to databases [Online video tutorial]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

SQL tutorial. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2016, from

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