Component 2; Unit 8: Ethics and Professionalism

Component 2; Unit 8: Ethics and Professionalism


This unit describes the traditions and values that guide physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals.  It explores medical ethics, professionalism and legal duties and applies ethics and professionalism to specific topics, including health informatics.


  1. Discuss foundational concepts in medical ethics and professionalism.
  2. Examine the relationships among ethical ideals, professionalism, and legal duties.
  3. Apply the general principles of ethics and professionalism to specific topics.
  4. Examine ethical issues in health informatics.

Component 2; Unit 8; Lecture 8a comp2_unit8a_lecture_slides

Lecture a (15:23): 1) Ethics and professionalism

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Component 2; Unit 8; Lecture 8b comp2_unit8b_lecture_slides

Lecture b (17:11): 1) Ethical and legal standards

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Component 2; Unit 8; Lecture 8c comp2_unit8c_lecture_slides

Lecture c (14:16): 1) Contemporary topics in medical ethics

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Component 2; Unit 8; Lecture 8d comp2_unit8d_lecture_slides

Lecture d (15:42): 1) Ethical issues in health informatics

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