Component 2; Unit 3: Health Care Settings – The Places Where Care is Delivered
This unit describes health care delivery sites including outpatient care, hospitals, tertiary care centers, academic medical centers, the VA health care system, the military health system, the Indian health service, and non-traditional delivery sites such as school-based, community-based, and employer-based sites. It also specifically examines the structure, function and interrelationship between health care settings.
- Differentiate the range of care delivery organizations, including primary care, specialty care, tertiary care, hospitals, clinics, the medical home, home health, hospice, and long-term care facilities.
- Analyze the organization of health care delivery from the perspective of a continuum of care, including outpatient services, in-patient care, home care services, long-term care, and end-of-life care.
- Evaluate the similarities and differences of community hospitals, teaching hospitals, and community health clinics.
- Describe the various departments and services offered by an outpatient clinic, community hospital, academic medical center, and long-term care facility.
- Explain the ways in which different outpatient and inpatient departments interact and how their services relate.
- Describe ways data and information are created and used by people in different outpatient and inpatient departments.
- Describe ways in which medical and information technology have improved interdepartmental communication and, consequently, the patient experience.
Component 2; Unit 3; Lecture 3a comp2_unit3a_lecture_slides
Lecture a (20:43): 1) Range of care; 2) Continuum of care
Component 2; Unit 3; Lecture 3b comp2_unit3b_lecture_slides
Lecture b (27:09): 1) Departments and services; 2) Interrelationships between health care organizations; 3) Medical data use and impact