Component 1; Unit 9: Evolution of and Trends in Health Care in the U.S.

Component 1; Unit 9: Evolution of and Trends in Health Care in the U.S.


This unit provides an overview of health care trends including evidence-based medicine, quality and practice-care recommendations, comparative effectiveness research, and an overview of health care reform initiatives in the U.S., including the Affordable Care Act (ACA).


  1. Describe the application of evidence-based medicine and clinical practice guidelines
  2. Discuss quality indicators in medicine.
  3. Describe the patient-centered medical home and other models of care coordination.

Component 1; Unit 9; Lecture 9a comp1_unit9a_Lecture_Slides

Evidence-Based Medicine (11:46)

Component 1; Unit 9; Lecture 9b comp1_unit9b_Lecture_Slides

Clinical Practice Guidelines (05:23)

Component 1; Unit 9; Lecture 9c comp1_unit9c_Lecture_Slides

Quality Indicators and Comparative Effectiveness Research (08:05)

Component 1; Unit 9; Lecture 9d comp1_unit9d_Lecture_Slides 

Patient-Centered Medical Home and Other Models of Care Coordination (11:07)

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