Component 9; Unit 8: Enterprise Architecture Models

Component 9; Unit 8: Enterprise Architecture Models


This unit addresses different enterprise architecture models that provide an infrastructure for healthcare networks.


  1. Explain regional healthcare networks – policy and implementation strategies
  2. Explain the concept of a Nationwide Healthcare Information network
  3. Explain the significance of Service Oriented Architecture in networking and health information exchange networks
  4. Explain the value of an Enterprise Architecture in networking and health information exchange networks
  5. Describe key elements of various service oriented architecture platforms and infrastructure options

Component 9; Unit 8; Lecture 8 comp9_unit8_lecture_slides

Regional and national health care networks, SOA, and EA

Suggested Readings

OMG Healthcare Domain Task Force. This site contains information about the Healthcare Service Specification Project.

Health Information Sharing Environment. Information about creating a framework for sharing personal medical information.

NIHN Enterprise Architecture Overview. This document from ONC provides an overview of EA.

SOA Solutions. This article from IBM describes how to develop SOA solutions for health care organizations using business-driven development.

Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement. This site is home to The Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NRHI), a National coalition of Regional Health Improvement Collaboratives.

Nationwide Health Information Network. This site developed by ONC covers information about NwHIN.

A Service Oriented Architecture based Medical Grid Application. This article presents a case of using SOA for different medical entities to share mammogram images.

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