Component 8; Unit 8: Troubleshooting, Maintenance and Upgrades, and Interaction with Vendors, Developers, and Users

Component 8; Unit 8: Troubleshooting, Maintenance and Upgrades, and Interaction with Vendors, Developers, and Users


This unit will discuss ways you can implement an infrastructure for troubleshooting, and maintaining EHRs and their existing infrastructure introduction.


  1. Identify and implement an effective troubleshooting procedure for reporting, evaluating, fixing, deploying, and follow-up of errors, problems, or limitations for the system
  2. Integrate downtime schedule for OS, network, database, and client application maintenance and updates
  3. Develop a process for communicating requirements and supplying updates between vendors/developer and users
  4. Create a baseline for system performance measurement and comparison for troubleshooting

Component 8; Unit 8; Lecture 8a comp8_unit8a_lecture_slides

Approaches to Troubleshooting (18:29): 1) Support staff, a. Troubleshooting workflow, b. Tiered approach, c. Request prioritization; 2) Application to small business

Component 8; Unit 8; Lecture 8b comp8_unit8b_lecture_slides

Maintenance, Upgrades and Relationships (22:52): 1) Diagnosing Infrastructure issues; 2) Performance testing, a. Baseline measurement, b. Measurement utilities, c. Next steps; 3. Maintenance and Upgrades, a. Structured approach; 4. Relationships, a. Users, b. Vendors

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