Component 8; Unit 11 Pilot Testing and Full-Scale Deployment

Component 8; Unit 11 Pilot Testing and Full-Scale Deployment


This unit will discuss rollout phases of an EHR system, to smaller test user communities and to the entire organization.


  1. Identify pilot testing, deployment steps, and group for pilot testing
  2. Develop a plan for training pilot users
  3. Gather and prioritize feedback from pilot test
  4. Recommend amount of legacy data to preload
  5. Develop a plan for implementation using best practices
  6. Identify post-implementation practices

Component 8; Unit 11; Lecture 11 comp8_unit11_lecture_slides

Pilot Testing and Full-Scale Deployment (15:48): 1) Pilot testing, a. User training, b. Pilot implementation, c. Learning from pilot test; 2) Implementation options and best practices, a. Big-bang, b. Phased

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