Component 7; Unit 4: The Effective IT System
Unit 4 is designed to emphasize the aspects of HIT that contribute to effectiveness and meaningful use. The concepts of usability, consistency, and reliability in regards to HIT systems and how each contributes to, or detracts from, effectiveness will be presented. Definitions of evidence-based practice and guideline-enhanced care will be covered in addition to how HIT can support effective, safe, and efficient patient-centered care.
- Identify characteristics of an effective HIT system.
- Define and provide examples of how evidence-based practice can be supported in HIT Systems.
- Define and cite examples of usability / configurability / scalability and reliability in HIT Systems.
- List and contrast different types of reports/queries (predefined vs. ad hoc) required for internal and external reporting
Component 7; Unit 4; Lecture 4 comp7_unit4_lecture_slides
Effective Health IT Systems (18:53): 1) Effective HIT ; 2) Characteristics of Effective HIT; 3) Supporting Workflow
Component 7; Unit 4; extra video part 1
Component 7; Unit 4; extra video part 2
Component 7; Unit 4; extra video part 3
Component 7; Unit 4; extra video part 4
Component 7; Unit 4; extra video part 5