Component 5; Unit 5: Evolution of Nursing Informatics and HIT Tools Used By Nursing
Description: This unit describes the evolution of nursing informatics and the HIT tools used by nursing.
- Discuss how health IT (HIT) tools have evolved to support the practice of nursing.
- List common nursing HIT applications and describe how they have evolved over time.
- Describe the evolving role of nurse informaticists in healthcare organizations.
Component 5; Unit 5; Lecture 5 comp5_unit5_lecture_slides
Nursing Informatics (21:07): How nurses spend their time; 2) The changing definitions of nursing informatics over time; 3) Early nursing informatics tools, and how they evolved over time; 4) Evolving Role of the Nurse Informaticist
Suggested Readings
Bakken S, Stone PW, Larson EL. A nursing informatics research agenda for 2008-18: contextual influences and key components. Nurs Outlook 2008 Sep-Oct;56(5):206-214.e3. Available from:
Masys DR, Brennan PF, Ozbolt JG, Corn M, Shortliffe EH. Are medical informatics and nursing informatics distinct disciplines? The 1999 ACMI debate. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2000; May-Jun;7(3):304-12. Available from:
Westra BL, Delaney CW. Informatics competencies for nursing and healthcare leaders. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2008 Nov 6:804-8. Available from:
Additional Materials
Videotaped Stories from Nursing Informatics Pioneers. Available from: (