Component 5; Unit 4: Evolution of Public Health Informatics
This unit describes the evolution of public health informatics.
- Discuss how the sub-discipline of public health informatics has evolved over time.
- Describe how health IT (HIT) can be used to enhance public health practice.
- List potential ethical, social, and political issues associated with the development of HIT applications for public health purposes.
Component 5; Unit 4; Lecture 4 comp5_unit4_lecture_slides
Public Health Informatics (27:07): 1) What is public health?; 2) What is public health informatics (PHI) and how did it evolve?; 3) What were early PHI applications?; 4) What are emerging and future PHI uses?
Suggested Readings
Houser SH, Manger BJ, Price BJ, Silvers C, Hart-Hester S. Expanding the Health Information Management Public Health Role. Perspect Health Inf Manag 2009; 6(Summer):1b. Available from:
Kukafka R, Yasnoff WA. Public health informatics. J Biomed Inform. 200740(4):365-369. Available from:
Tokars JI, English R, McMurray P, Rhodes B. Summary of data reported to CDC’s national automated biosurveillance system 2008. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2010 May 25;10:30. Available from: WA, Overhage JM, Humphreys BL, LaVenture M. A national agenda for public health informatics: summarized recommendations from the 2001 AMIA Spring Congress. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2001 Nov-Dec;8(6):535-45. Available from: