Component 5; Unit 4: Evolution of Public Health Informatics

Component 5; Unit 4: Evolution of Public Health Informatics


This unit describes the evolution of public health informatics.


  1. Discuss how the sub-discipline of public health informatics has evolved over time.
  2. Describe how health IT (HIT) can be used to enhance public health practice.
  3. List potential ethical, social, and political issues associated with the development of HIT applications for public health purposes.

Component 5; Unit 4; Lecture 4 comp5_unit4_lecture_slides

Public Health Informatics (27:07): 1) What is public health?; 2) What is public health informatics (PHI) and how did it evolve?; 3) What were early PHI applications?; 4) What are emerging and future PHI uses?

Suggested Readings

Houser SH, Manger BJ, Price BJ, Silvers C, Hart-Hester S. Expanding the Health Information Management Public Health Role.  Perspect Health Inf Manag 2009; 6(Summer):1b. Available from:

Kukafka R, Yasnoff WA. Public health informatics.  J Biomed Inform. 200740(4):365-369.  Available from:

Tokars JI, English R, McMurray P, Rhodes B.  Summary of data reported to CDC’s national automated biosurveillance system 2008. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2010 May 25;10:30.  Available from: WA, Overhage JM, Humphreys BL, LaVenture M.  A national agenda for public health informatics: summarized recommendations from the 2001 AMIA Spring Congress.  J Am Med Inform Assoc 2001 Nov-Dec;8(6):535-45.  Available from:

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