Component 5; Unit 1: Evolution of Health IT: The Early Years

Component 5; Unit 1:  Evolution of Health IT: The Early Years


This unit describes the early years of the evolution of health IT.


  1. Discuss the enduring values that have been foci for HIT stakeholders and how the social, educational, and professional environments in healthcare influence these values.
  2. Discuss the impact of key developments in the 1950s and 1960s including Sputnik, Medicare/Medicaid legislation and medical research on healthcare.
  3. Describe how medical records and the use of health information technology changed from the 1950’s through the 1980’s.
  4. Describe some of the key informatics innovations in the 1970’s and 1980’s including the problem-oriented medical record, Medline, the early electronic medical records and clinical decision support systems.
  5. Discuss the increasing professionalization of informaticians and HIT professionals including training programs and professional organizations.

Component 5; Unit 1; Lecture 1a comp5_unit1a_lecture_slides

Introduction and Pre-1970 (18:56): 1) Influences, goals and values of key players in healthcare and health IT ; 2) The healthcare environment prior to 1970

Component 5; Unit 1; Lecture 1b comp5_unit1b_lecture_slides

The 1970s (20:55): 1) The 1970s environment; 2) Key informatics innovations in the 1960s and 1970s (Medline, early EHRs, medical expert systems)

Component 5; Unit 1; Lecture 1c comp5_unit1c_lecture_slides

The 1980s (15:12): 1) The 1980s environment; 2) Information systems in healthcare; 3) Early clinical decision support systems; 4) Professionalization of informatics

Suggested Readings

Collen MF: Origins of medical informatics, In Medical informatics [Special Issue]. West J Med 1986; 145:778-785.  Available from:

Weed LL.  The importance of medical records. Can Fam Physician. 1969; 15(12):23-25. Available from:

Miller RA, McNeil MA, Challinor SM, Masarie FE, Myers JD. The INTERNIST-i/QUICK MEDICAL REFERENCE Project Status Report West J Med. 1986 December; 145(6): 816–822. Available from:

Pryor TA, Gardner RM, Clayton PD, Warner HR.  The HELP system.  Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1982 November 2: 19–27. Available from:

Barnett GO, Zielstorff RD, Piggins, J et al. COSTAR: A Comprehensive Medical Information System for Ambulatory Care.Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1982 November 2: 8–18.  Available from:

Hammond WE.  How the past teaches the future. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2001 May–Jun; 8(3): 222–234. Available from:

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