Component 1; Unit 5: Financing Health Care. Part 2

Component 1; Unit 5: Financing Health Care. Part 2


This unit continues the discussion of health care financing at the governmental, organizational, and consumer levels. The unit describes the revenue cycle for health care organizations, identifies the different reimbursement methodologies, and standards developed for the billing (reimbursement) process. Finally, this unit reviews some of the factors responsible for the escalating health care expenditures in the U.S. and discusses some methods for controlling rising medical costs.


  1. Describe the revenue cycle and the billing process undertaken by different health care enterprises.
  2. Explain the billing and coding processes, and standard code sets used in the claims process.
  3. Identify different fee-for-service and episode-of-care reimbursement methodologies used by insurers and health care organizations in the claims process.
  4. Review factors responsible for escalating health care expenditures in the U.S.
  5. Discuss methods of controlling rising medical costs.

Component 1; Unit 5; Lecture 5a comp1_unit5a_lecture_slides

The Revenue Cycle of Various Health Care Enterprises (16:58)

Component 1; Unit 5; Lecture 5b comp1_unit5b_lecture_slides

The Billing Process of Various Health Care Enterprises (14:35)

Component 1; Unit 5; Lecture 5c comp1_unit5c_lecture_slides

Factors Contributing to Increasing U.S. Health Care Costs (16:37)

Component 1; Unit 5; Lecture 5d comp1_unit5d_lecture_slides

Methods of Controlling Rising Medical Costs (24:52)

Trivedi, A (2016). Overview of Health Care Financing. Merck Manual, Professional Edition. R. Porter. Kenilworth, NJ, Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.

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