Component 6; Unit 8: Consumer Health Informatics

Component 6; Unit 8: Consumer Health Informatics


Definitions of health communication, e-Health, consumer health informatics, and interactive health communication, identifies how the Internet has impacted consumer health informatics, explains how current and emerging technologies may affect consumer health informatics, and introduces the role of genomics in consumer health informatics. Definitions of personal health records or PHRs, describes the role of PHRs and their implications within health care, and discusses the challenges of consumerism in health information systems.


  1. Explain how current and emerging technologies have impacted and may continue to affect consumer health informatics
  2. Describe the role of genomics in consumer health informatics
  3. Describe the emergence of personal health records and their implications for patients, health care providers and health systems
  4. Discuss how consumerism influences the ongoing development and use of health information systems

Component 6; Unit 8; Lecture 8a comp6_unit8a_lecture_slides

Introduction to Consumer Health Informatics: 1) Definitions; 2) Impact of the internet on consumer health informatics; 3) Current and emerging technologies in consumer health informatics; 4) Genomics in consumer health informatics

Component 6; Unit 8; Lecture 8b comp6_unit8b_lecture_slides

Personal Health Records and Consumerism: 1) Definitions; 2) Role of PHRs; 3) Challenges of consumerism in health information systems

Suggested Readings

AHIMA e-HIM Personal Health Record Work Group. (2005, July-August). The role of the personal health record in the EHR. Journal of AHIMA Retrieved from

AHRQ. (2009). Internet access for health information and advice. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Genomics and health. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011, May). Social media at CDC. Retrieved from

Fahrenholz, C. G., & Buck, S. L. (2007). PHRs and physician practices. Journal of

Gibbons, M.C., Wilson, R.F., Samal, L, Lehmann, C.U., Dickersin, K., Lehmann, H.P., Aboumatar, H., Finkelstein, J., Shelton. E., Sharma, R., & Bass, E.B. (2009, October). Impact of consumer health informatics applications. Evidence Report/Technology Assessment No. 188. (Prepared by Johns Hopkins University Evidence-based Practice Center under contract No. HHSA 290-2007-10061-I). AHRQ Publication No. 09(10)-E019. Rockville, MD. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Retrieved from

Health Level Seven International. (2008). Product PHR FM. Retrieved from

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). (2003, October). Telemedicine reimbursement report. (Prepared by the Center for Telemedicine Law under contract No.02-HAB-A215304). Retrieved from

Markle Foundation. (2008, June). Connecting consumers: Common framework for networked personal health information. Retrieved from

Mead N., & Bower P. (2000). Patient-centredness: a conceptual framework and review of the empirical literature. Social Science & Medicine. Social Science & Medicine, 51. Retrieved from

National Human Genome Research Institute. (2010). Genetic information nondiscrimination act of 2008. Retrieved from

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2006, June). Expanding the reach and impact of consumer e-Health tools. Retrieved from

Ratzan, S.C. (Ed.). (1994). Health communication, challenges for the 21st century. Special issue. American Behavioral Scientist 38(2), 202-207.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2006, June). Expanding the reach and impact of consumer e-Health tools. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). Genomics. Retrieved from

Dimick, C. (2010, May). Health IT for the people: An increasing movement—but no road map—for patient-centered health IT. Journal of AHIMA 81(5), 20-24.

Dimick, C. (2010, February). Empowered patient: Preparing for a new patient interaction. Journal of AHIMA 81(2), 26-31.

Feero, W.G., Holden, S., & Fuller, B. (2009, November-December). Genomics and HIM: Three areas of increasing intersection. Journal of AHIMA 80(11), 52-53, 58.

Kaplan, A. M. & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons 53(1), 59-68. “Connecting for Health Common Framework for Networked Personal Health Information: Overview and Principles” published by Markle Foundation Connecting for Health,, June 2008.

Kelso, L., & Walker, R. (2009, October). The consumer view of PHRs: Observational study finds most value PHRs, but issues remain. Journal of AHIMA 80(10), 56-57, 59.

Markle Foundation. (2004, July). Connecting Americans to their healthcare: Final report. Retrieved from

Mead N., & Bower P. (2000). Patient-centredness: a conceptual framework and review of the empirical literature. Social Science & Medicine. Retrieved from

Pringle, S.L. (2010, May). Trusting PHRs: The standards that protect the security and confidentiality of PHR-stored PHI. Journal of AHIMA 81(5), 40-41.

Robinson, T.N.; Patrick, K.; Eng, T.R.; & Gustafson, D, for the Science Panel on Interactive Communication and Health. (1998, October). An evidence-based approach to interactive health communication: A challenge to medicine in the Information Age. Journal of the American Medical Association, 280(14), 1264-1269.

Rose, B., & Cassidy, B. (October, 2009). PHR certification: Building consumer trust. AHIMA Convention Proceedings.

Valdez R., Yoon, P.W., Qureshi, N., Green, R. F., & Khoury, M. J. (2010, April). Family history in public health practice: A genomic tool for disease prevention and health promotion. Annual Review of Public Health 31, 69-87.

Warner, D. (2010, July). Managing patient-provided information in EHRs. Journal of AHIMA 81(7), 44-45.

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