Component 5; Unit 5: Evolution of Nursing Informatics and HIT Tools Used By Nursing

Component 5; Unit 5: Evolution of Nursing Informatics and HIT Tools Used By Nursing

Description:  This unit describes the evolution of nursing informatics and the HIT tools used by nursing.


  1. Discuss how health IT (HIT) tools have evolved to support the practice of nursing.
  2. List common nursing HIT applications and describe how they have evolved over time.
  3. Describe the evolving role of nurse informaticists in healthcare organizations.

Component 5; Unit 5; Lecture 5 comp5_unit5_lecture_slides

Nursing Informatics (21:07): How nurses spend their time; 2) The changing definitions of nursing informatics over time; 3) Early nursing informatics tools, and how they evolved over time; 4) Evolving Role of the Nurse Informaticist

Suggested Readings

Bakken S, Stone PW, Larson EL.  A nursing informatics research agenda for 2008-18: contextual influences and key components.  Nurs Outlook 2008 Sep-Oct;56(5):206-214.e3.  Available from:

Masys DR, Brennan PF, Ozbolt JG, Corn M, Shortliffe EH. Are medical informatics and nursing informatics distinct disciplines? The 1999 ACMI debate. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2000; May-Jun;7(3):304-12. Available from:

Westra BL, Delaney CW. Informatics competencies for nursing and healthcare leaders.  AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2008 Nov 6:804-8.  Available from:

Additional Materials

Videotaped Stories from Nursing Informatics Pioneers.  Available from: (

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