Component 4; Unit 8. Information Systems

Component 4; Unit 8. Information Systems


This unit defines information systems and describes how they are used. It discusses the design, development, testing, support, and maintenance of information systems. Finally, it explains how information systems are used in health care settings, including the role of specialized information systems.


  1. Define an information system, explain its purpose, and provide examples.
  2. Describe the components of an information system.
  3. Describe the process of information system development.
  4. Introduce specialized information systems.
  5. Explain how information systems are used in health care.

Component 4; Unit 8; Lecture 8a comp4_unit8a_lecture_slides

What is an Information System? (20:17)

Component 4; Unit 8; Lecture 8b comp4_unit8b_lecture_slides

The Systems Development Process (24:10)

Component 4; Unit 8; Lecture 8c comp4_unit8c_lecture_slides

Specialized Information Systems (17:06)

Suggested Readings

Health informatics. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved August 31, 2016, from

Information management. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved August 31, 2016, from Lindsay, J. (n.d.). Information Systems: Fundamentals and Issues. Retrieved August 31, 2016, from

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