Component 3; Unit 14: Standards to Promote Health Information Exchange
This unit describes standards to promote health information exchange.
1. Define terms related to standardized terminologies.
2. Identify and define HIPAA standard code sets.
3. Identify and define terminologies and vocabularies that represent nursing care.
4. Define and give examples of data interchange standards.
Component 3; Unit 14; Lecture 14 comp3_unit14_lecture_slides
Terms Related to Health Information Standards (21:41): 1) EHR Messaging Standards; 2) Digital Imaging Communications in Medicine (DICOM); 3) Health Level 7 (HL7); 4) Classifications, Terminologies and Vocabularies; 5) Clinical Terminologies; 6) Health Information Standards; 7) HIPAA Standard Code Sets; 8) Clinical Standard Code Sets; 9) American Nursing Association’s Recommended Standardized Nursing Terminologies; 10) National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics Recommended Data Interchange Standards; 11) SNOMED CT ; 12) Logical Observation Identifiers, Names, and Codes (LOINC); 13) Consolidated Health Informatics (CHI) Initiative