Component 7; Unit 11: Health IT in the Future

Component 7; Unit 11: Health IT in the Future


Unit 11 will focus upon future directions for HIT.  New areas of research and development in HIT will be examined.  Students will gain a foundational understanding of these area


  1. Speculate the relationship between HIT and health reform
  2. Suggest alternative design for usable & supportive HIT
  3. Hypothesize how HIT may intersect with publicly available data to improve health (i.e. point of sale, weather, GIS, foods, etc)
  4. Predict avenues of future innovations in HIT

Component 7; Unit 11; Lecture 11 comp7_unit11_lecture_slides

Alternative Design and the Future of Health IT (28:30): 1) U.S. Healthcare Reform; 2) Alternative Designs for HIT; 3) “Infodemiology” and Data Mining

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