Component 5; Unit 6: History of Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

Component 5; Unit 6: History of Electronic Health Records (EHRs)


This unit describes the history of electronic health records.


  1. Describe some early examples of electronic medical records.
  2. Discuss lessons learned from the early EHR implementations.
  3. Discuss how the attributes that were identified for a computer-based patient record in the 1991 Institute of Medicine Report relate to the concept of meaningful use.
  4. Discuss differences between the terms electronic health record (EHR) and personal health record (PHR).

Component 5; Unit 6; Lecture 6a comp5_unit6a_lecture_slides

Early EHR Prototypes (18:09); 1) EHR terminology changes over time; 2) Example of an early EHR–COSTAR; 3) Example of an early EHR—TMR; 4) Example of an early EHR—RMRS; 5) Lessons learned from the early systems; 6) Barriers to widespread use 

Component 5; Unit 6; Lecture 6b comp5_unit6b_lecture_slides

Evolution of Functional Requirements (16:35); 1) The Computer-Based Patient Record (1991); 2) Electronic Health Record System Capabilities (2003); 3) Meaningful Use (2010); 4) Increased Adoption of EHRs

Suggested Readings

Barnett GO, Zielstorff RD, Piggins J, et al. COSTAR: A Comprehensive Medical Information System for Ambulatory Care.Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1982 November 2: 8–18.  Available from:

Dick RS, Steen EB, Detmer DE. Committee on Improving the Patient Record, Institute of Medicine.  The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1997(Free Executive Summary).  Available from:

Hammond WE.  How the past teaches the future. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2001 May–Jun; 8(3): 222–234. Available from:

Committee on Data Standards for Patient Safety, Institute of Medicine. Key Capabilities of an Electronic Health Record System: Letter Report. National Academies Press.  Available from: Additional Materials

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