Component 1; Unit 3: Delivering Health Care, Part 2
This unit depicts the medical model of health care in the U.S., with an overview of the organization of health care and the physical structure of health care delivery in the outpatient setting, including an overview of the people involved in the delivery of health care, their education and licensing. This unit is intended primarily for the student who does not have a background in health care, though the topics of this unit are described at a relatively advanced level.
- Describe the organization of clinical health care delivery in the outpatient setting and the organization of outpatient health care.
- Describe the organization of ancillary health care delivery in the outpatient setting.
- Compare the role of different health care providers, with an emphasis on the delivery of care in an interdisciplinary setting.
Component 1; Unit 3; Lecture 3a comp1_unit3a_lecture_slides
Outpatient Facilities and Primary Care (11:07)
Component 1; Unit 3; Lecture 3b comp1_unit3b_lecture_slides
Outpatient Primary and Secondary Care (10:34)
Component 1; Unit 3; Lecture 3c comp1_unit3c_lecture_slides
Retail Clinics, Urgent Care Centers, and Emergency Departments as Venues for Health Care (09:24)
Component 1; Unit 3; Lecture 3d comp1_unit3d_lecture_slides
Laboratory, Pathology, Radiology, and Ancillary Services (11:45)
Component 1; Unit 3; Lecture 3e comp1_unit3e_lecture_slides
Roles of Different Health Care Providers (09:25)
Suggested Readings
Stanfield, Peggy., Cross, Nanna, and Hui, Y. H. Introduction to the Health Professions. 6th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012. Print.
Malone, Michael L., Capezuti, Elizabeth, and Palmer, Robert M. Acute Care for Elders A Model for Interdisciplinary Care. New York: Springer, 2014. Print. Aging Medicine.