Component 7; Unit 9: Potential Issues with Adoption and Installation of an HIT system

Component 7; Unit 9: Potential Issues with Adoption and Installation of an HIT system


Unit 9 discusses the basics of human behavior, change, and adaptation.  Strategies for dealing with barriers to implementation (human and structural) will be covered.


  1. Identify frequently encountered challenges to adoption and implementation of HIT systems.
  2. Design an action plan to address barriers to implementation of an HIT system.
  3. Propose solutions to common problems in the implementation of HIT systems

Component 7; Unit 9; Lecture 9 comp7_unit9_lecture_slides

Overcoming Barriers to Adoption (18:24): 1) Why Systems Fail; 2) Critical Success Factors in Health IT Adoption/Implementation; 3) Common Challenges; 4) Potential Strategies

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