Component 7; Unit 6: HIT Facilitated Error – Cause and Effect
Unit 6 is a unit that will focus upon error in health and healthcare that can be facilitated and propagated by HIT. Different classes of HIT errors (slips/mistakes, omission/commission) will be discussed and differentiated. Specific scenarios that create opportunities for HIT facilitated error will be presented to students in the lab exercises. In these exercises, students will apply concepts learned in the didactic portion of this unit to identify error, classify error, analyze root cause, and propose solutions.
- Explain the concept of facilitated error in HIT
- Cite examples of situations where HIT systems could increase the potential for user error
- Analyze sources of HIT facilitated errors and suggest realistic solutions
Component 7; Unit 6; Lecture 6a comp7_unit6a_lecture_slides
Health IT-Propagated Errors (12:13): 1) Error in Healthcare; 2) Technology Induced Error
Component 7; Unit 6; Lecture 6b comp7_unit6b_lecture_slides
Avoiding Health IT Errors (09:24): 1) Error Vocabulary