Component 7; Unit 3: Understanding Information Exchange in HIT Systems
Unit 3 will focus upon the functional aspects of interoperability within and between systems. Applying didactically presented concepts to hands on lab assignments, students will be challenged to locate and collate data from disparate systems and to assist users in planning for enhanced information flow in HIT systems.
- Identify entities that are commonly involved in HIT system data exchange.
- Explain the need for standards and why they exist.
- Define and differentiate between vocabulary, content exchange, and privacy and security standards.
- Compare current efforts to facilitate health information exchange between providers, communities, regions, and nation (NHIN, HIEs, NHIN Direct).
Component 7; Unit 3; Lecture 3 comp7_unit3_lecture_slides
Information Exchange in Health IT Systems (23:17): 1)Types of Information Exchange; 2) “Meaningful Use” and HIT Information Exchange; 3) Types of Standards ; 4) HIE Initiatives
Component 7; Unit 3; extra video